Food for your Blood typeThere are so many diets out there in the market! The Atkins Diet, which promotes high protein and low carb, the low fat and high carb diet, the vegan diet, the paleo diet and the keto diet among others!
These endless range of diets can be very confusing for someone who seeks to lose weight or simply wants to stay fit, healthy and active. So, what should you do? Which healthy food should you eat?
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Well, you shouldn’t be following any diet that isn’t customized for your body. After all, not all humans are alike. Instead, what you should do is find the right foods for your body type- foods that will stimulate your mind and body, help you stay in a state of homeostasis, allowing you to function at your best.
Peter D’Adamo, world famous neuropathic medic and the author of ‘Eat Right for Your Type’ health book believes that certain foods are healthy and harmful for each blood type and finding those foods can help people ward off illnesses, while living at their fullest potential.
The author, who has sold over 7 million copies of his book explains that this idea of eating for one’s blood type is scientific and not based on hear-say.
Our bodies are designed to respond to different foods based on our blood type. The lectins or carbohydrate-binding proteins attach to different blood type in a unique way. Therefore, analyzing the food that’s suitable for each blood type is the key to live a healthier life.
Remember, organic and unprocessed foods are best for each blood type. And when you eat foods that are designed for your blood type, you don’t necessarily have to worry about excessive calories.
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Here is a list of four basic blood type and the right food for them.