Breakfast Ideas for Toddlers – A healthy breakfast is connected with many advantages. A person who eats a wholesome breakfast is more likely to stay protected from problems like obesity, diabetes, better concentration and much more. The ‘healthy breakfast’ rule applies to everyone, be it kids, adults or even toddlers.
There are many healthy foods for kids that can be used creatively to stimulate interest and hunger in kids. Many young moms keep on searching for breakfast ideas for toddlers because they know very well that apart from other mentioned benefits, the right breakfast for toddlers can even rightly set their toddler’s mood for the whole day!
Now let us take a quick glance at these healthy and quick-to-prepare breakfast ideas for toddlers.
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A Glass of Milk with Boiled Egg
This traditional and ever popular combo of milk and egg is always a nutritious choice when it comes to serving healthy breakfast for kids. Use this winning combo for your toddlers also. Serve the milk warm and use a boiled or scrambled egg. The goodness of protein and calcium will help your toddler feel full and grow well!
Porridge with Fruits
Another traditional breakfast for toddlers, porridge, is an excellent option for toddlers who face the trouble of constipation. The rich fiber contents are anti-constipating in nature and get an enhanced nutritional boost when you add fruits to it.
Toasts with Various Spreads
If you are looking for some speedy recipes on breakfast ideas for toddlers, this one is the right choice for you! Prepare a toast and use different types of spread on it. You can use the cheese slice spread for some days and can later shift to the vegetable spread.
For the vegetable spread, you just need to puree the vegetables and use the puree as a spread. While using cheese slices as spreads, keep the toast for 5-6 seconds in the microwave so that the cheese melts upon the toast perfectly. You can also use nut butter as a healthy spread on toasts.
Soft Oats Cooked with Milk
Take the quick rolled oats and cook them with milk, just as we do with porridge. Have dry fruits in the form of powder. You can prepare this at home by grinding few dry fruits together and storing the powder in an airtight container. When your oats-milk porridge is ready, add a teaspoon of dry fruits powder to it.
Apple and Banana Shake
Most of the kids love the sweet and sour taste of apples. Apples contain iron, vitamin C and pectin also. The pectin in apples is a soluble fiber which helps in the better digestion and is also useful for treating diarrhea.
Just take a few apple slices and cut the banana into big pieces. Add some milk and blend all of them together to get a frothy, fresh and fantastic breakfast for toddlers.
Dry Fried Egg Breads with Veggie Toppings
Cut each bread slice into four square shaped pieces. Beat two eggs. Dip the bread pieces into the beaten egg and dry fry the bread. Use softly cooked vegetables as toppings. Your toddler will surely open up his mouth indicating ‘mamma, I want more!’ Moreover, what can be better than that!
Semolina (Suji) Pancakes
Semolina is a very popular item for kids and toddlers in India! Many delicious recipes can be made using semolina. You can use semolina pancakes as breakfast ideas for toddlers. Take two cup semolina, one cup water and one cup fresh yogurt. Mix all three and set aside for few minutes. Take care that the consistency of this semolina batter should not be very thick or very thin.
It should have a medium consistency so keep adding water until you get the desired consistency. Now pour this batter into moulds used for steam cooking. You can also bake these pancakes into the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Serve warm with homemade vegetable dips for kids.
The Very Yummy & the Very Tempting Strawberries Smoothie
If you are on a lookout for a healthy smoothie recipe for your toddler, try this one. Take some milk, banana and fresh strawberries. Blend them all together until you receive a frothy texture. Serve fresh to your toddler. He will not only get iron, vitamin C and D contents from this scrumptious smoothie but will also feel very energetic throughout the day.
We hope that our 8 above mentioned breakfast ideas for toddlers will help you in your busy mornings! By planning breakfasts in advance, it becomes a lot easier for the next day. Try to create variety in the meals that your serve to your toddlers or kids. Plus you should know these ultimate cooking tips to be a super mom.
Do not stick to just one food even if it is the favorite eatable of your child. Always combine it with something else so that the toddler gets used to the new taste. Also, do share this content if you liked it!
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