How to Grow A Pomegranate Tree Step by Step Process

How to Grow A Pomegranate Tree? – Do you like eating pomegranates? Do you want to enjoy the health benefits of pomegranate juice? Would you like to have a pomegranate plant in your backyard? Do you like the beauty of pomegranate trees?

If you said yes for all or any of these questions you should know how to grow a pomegranate tree. Growing pomegranate trees require care, hard work, and regular inputs from time to time so that you yield better results in future.

Related: 8 Best Health Benefits of Pomegranates.

Growing pomegranate tree is advantageous as it does not only let you enjoy the terrific tasting fruits but also add beauty to your garden or backyard. Moreover, it feels great to enjoy the tasty pomegranate smoothies which are made from pomegranates that grew on your own tree!

A pomegranate grows on the shrub form of a plant but with special care, you can shape and develop it into the tree form. You should take care of two important points, given below before you start the growing process of pomegranate trees.

Best Soil for Growing Pomegranate Trees:- Though these trees can be grown in a variety of soils the best option for the same is the soil that is perfectly drained.

Sunlight Necessities:- The fall sun and warmness come as the best conditions for growing pomegranate trees.

If you want, you can start the germination of pomegranate seeds inside the house and can later shift it outside for plantation purpose. However these are many health benefits of pomegranates seeds. The popular methods of growing pomegranate trees include:

  • Growing Through Seeds
  • Growing Through Cuttings
  • Growing Through Ready Seedlings

In this article, we tell you the step by step process of how to grow pomegranate tree through seeds.

Growing Pomegranate Trees through Seeds

Step-1. Choose the Right Type of Seeds:

Remember that this fruit comes in many varieties. So before you select the seeds, you should know what your main purpose for growing these trees is. For example, there are many flowering varieties of pomegranate plants available in the market which of course let you have beautiful flowers, but the pomegranates from such varieties are quite small.

Also, remember that pomegranates which we see in any store can be hybrids and thus, using their seeds might not give you the expected results. So know and understand the variety before you purchase pomegranate seeds.

Also,if you are well aware of a certain type of pomegranate, you can use its seeds for the growing purpose. For that, you simply need to take out some seeds and wash them in clean water. Rub and roll the seeds gently on a paper towel so that the pulp gets detached. Leave the seeds for a couple of days so that they dry up.

Step-2. Start Germinating the Seeds:

The best time for doing so is the mid of winters. This way you get enough time for germination and the seedling takes an appropriate form that can be planted outside later during the spring season.

For the germination process, collect the pomegranate seeds chosen by you and put them at one-fourth depth in pot soil. Place the pot with seeds at a place where they get a warm atmosphere or sunlight. Take care that the soil contains enough moisture for germination. Therefore, keep watering at regular intervals so that the soil stays damp enough.

Step-3. Take Extra Care During Winters:

During winters, it is advisable to cover the pot with some plastic sheet. This will retain the required moisture and warmness for germination of seeds. In few days, the seeds will sprout.

Step-4. Wait for the Right Time:

Once the seeds sprout and take the form of seedling, wait for the right time. The right time is the time when seedling transforms into a mature plant that is strong enough to be shifted outside. Check out for the weather outside. It should not be at freezing temperatures. Until the right time, keep taking care of the plant inside your home.

Also Read: Pomegranate Juice Recipe – Awesome Short Trick.

Step-5. Shift the Plant Outside:

Check on your pomegranate seedling. Check whether it has turned into a mature plant or not? A developed plant should be moved outside during the spring season as this season is best for shifting and growing the seedlings of pomegranates. Dig enough space into the soil so that the roots of your matured pomegranate plant get enough room to grow.

While planting the seedling, make sure to leave at least one to two feet space in between every seedling. Keep watering these plants from time to time. Also, do not worry if you flood the soil with water anytime because pomegranate plants can bear this situation up to certain extent. If the planted seedlings get enough water, moisture and sunlight it will grow into a mature tree in around 4 to 5 years of time.

Of course, growing pomegranate trees require your time, care and hard work but as they say, “good things come with a hefty price tag,” you have to take some pain to gain a lot!

Time passes by quickly, and soon you will find that the tender seedlings which you planted years ago have now changed into full grown beautiful pomegranate trees!

Also Read: Beauty Benefits of Pomegranates.

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