How to Look Attractive (Man): Have you ever been ‘Friend-Zoned?’ It’s painful, isn’t? Girls like to hang out with a guy like you, but they may not find you attractive enough for a relationship. Well, you do not need swanky watches or sports car and a striking bank balance to be attractive enough for a partner.
So you certainly don’t need to be a gym-rat. Attractiveness is not all about superficial stuff. Instead, it’s about your personality and inherent charm, which you easily nurture. Just check out these effortless ways to be more attractive without spending oodles on a gym membership.
Related: 16 Grooming Tips For Men You Should Know.
8 Definite Tips on ‘How to Look Attractive and Smart Man’
8Have a Dog

Have you seen an Instagram Account ‘Hot Dudes with Dogs?’ Well, the page has over 250k followers, featuring hunky and not-so-hunky dudes with adorable dogs. Moreover, yes, the page has a majority of female followers. After all, men with a dog are perceived to be hotter! So, dogs can be your ‘wing-man.’ However, most importantly, they will be your best buddy, a companion! So, choose a furry friend.
Also Read: How to Become Smarter? 9 Hobbies to Follow.
7Stop saying the ‘B—-‘Word

Seriously! What’s wrong with you? Why will a woman find you attractive if you say that demeaning and offensive word too often? We know it’s the culture, we know those rap songs stuck in your head and we know you may be saying them too often unconsciously. But that word isn’t going to make you look any attractive or hotter. So, drop that word. In fact, drop a few cuss words if you regularly use them. You will see the difference!
6Put your phone away

Okay. You are busy. You have to take too many phone calls. But that’s not going to add any points to your attraction meter. In fact, she just yawn and feel bored. Sometimes, men stare at their phones aimlessly, using it as a tool to deal with social anxiety or their first-date shyness. However, you need to man up and look her in the eyes!
5You need to change that posture

Our mums have constantly nagged us about the posture. And they were right. A good posture is important, especially if you want to be more attractive. You do not have to work out hours at the gym to get washboard abs. But you can certainly look taller, slimmer, broader and feel more confident with a slight tweak in your posture.
Also Read: 13 Things You Should Never Do to Become Mentally Strong
4Listen to her

A complaint most women have from men- they don’t listen! And that’s true. Men tend to have a very shorter attention span, and they can be quite demotivated when it comes to listening (or laughing at her jokes).
Related: Romance Is Evolving: This Is How We Love Now.
But you need to be a different man. Hours at the gym won’t help you woo a partner if you don’t listen to her. Laughing at a woman’s joke and listening to her shows that you care, boosts her confidence and instantly makes you more likeable.
3Read Books

You can be regular exercise your back, shoulders or arm muscles, but your attraction and charm won’t reach its fullest potential if you don’t exercise the most important muscle in your body- your mind! Men usually don’t look to read books, but reading is a habit that will increase your attention span and even help you learn new ways to be your charming self.
The old-fashioned charm of reading books is undeniable, and she would swoon towards you. Plus, it can even help you ‘listen’ to her. These things like reading books make an ordinary people “Extraordinary”.
2Trim those wayward facial hairs

You love No-Shave November, and that’s okay. Women won’t mind if you keep a sexy beard. But you need to grab a mirror and take a quick look at your face. Do you have random hair growing everywhere? Has nose hair that might be playing peek-a-boo? Or ear hair that seem to merge with the rest of head? Well, trim them.
Also Read: Top 10 Men’s Beard Grooming Tips.
Of course, you don’t have to go to expensive, painful beauty regime (no you don’t need to get terribly waxed), but those wonky facial hairs are a distraction and must be trimmed. A man that’s well-groomed appears more attractive than a man who doesn’t room himself.
1Wear the right size

No, you cannot pull off a super-small t-shirt. And no, it wouldn’t make you look insanely ripped. That jersey that is large enough to fit two basketball players isn’t a good choice either.
Also Read: How to Select A Shirt As Your Body Type.
So, wear clothes that fit snugly and show off that wonderful bod of yours. But don’t go too tight or too loose.
Seriously! It’s not rocket science. It’s simple & easy to know how to look attractive. All you have to do is follow these tips!
Take a deep breath and ask her out!
Also Read: To Look Attractive Hear Are Top 10 Face Masks For Glowing Skin.