Start Up Business Tips – Thinking to start your company or business? Alright! That’s great! However, before you jump into this competitive sea of startups, we tell you that setting up any business is easy but maintaining it and making efforts for its survival is not a cake walk! Therefore, we unveil a collection of 51 awesome business tips that not only help your business win the battlefield of survival but also help it grow and achieve success.
Related: 35 Things You Should Do For Better Future.
1. Find Out What Interests You – Do not jump into any business just because your friend is doing it or just because it is in trend. The point is to do something that interests you, something that you would always love to do!
2. Do Your Research Well- Once you have decided your business stream, it is now time to start a research related to your business area. Find out how people got successful to that particular business stream. Analyze their sources, aims, and achievements. Find out all whats, whys, wheres, hows and whos related to your business. This way you would be able to prepare yourself in advance for any business situation.
3. Stay Focused- Staying focused is very essential when you are planning for your startup. Decide one business idea and stay concentrated on that instead of juggling into multiple business plans.
4. Stay Updated- Keep yourself acquainted with all the technologies and advancements that relate to your business. This way you would be able to know that what all new is happening to the field that you have selected for your business. Also, you would be able to make changes accordingly, if required.
5. Stay Clear About Your Goals- You should be clear about the aim and ambitions related to your startup even before you start working for it. Therefore, write down clearly that why do you want to follow your business plan, why do you want to start your own business and what is the primary purpose behind running your startup. Keep your mindset clear to improve your business.
6. Plan Strategies- Once you are clear about the goals of your business plan, it is now time to work on the strategies. In simple words, a strategy is the advance planning of list of actions that have to be executed in a set time for the achievement of already set goals.
7. Be Concise and Lucid During Opportunity- Whenever you get any chance of explaining your business idea, do it in a short, sweet and impressive manner. Value your own time and value time of others too. You should know how it is important to be on time.
8. Prioritize Your Tasks- Do not get confused and stressed at the list of tasks. Prioritize and start working accordingly. Again, do not try to jump into all tasks as this will not let you finish any job properly.
9. Take a Break Also- Taking a 15-20 minutes break in every two hours is not wastage of time. Instead, it is a way of refreshing your mental and physical condition. So take a break whenever possible.
10. Do not Forget You Are Just a Startup-
Many people when starting their own business spend much time and money after office setups, interior décor, manpower, etc. However, we suggest that you should not do it that way.
Remember, you are just a startup and what matters at this stage is your quality of work. So concentrate on your work. Once when your business gets the good flow, you can do everything else then.
11. Do Not Run After Indistinct Objectives- If any of the aims or purpose related to your business is not clear, do not run after that. Running after blurred objectives can harm your business both in the short and long run. Try to fulfill only those aims which are clear. You would be able to plan and gain better results.
12. Learn from Experience- Experience is the best teacher in life. Whenever you fail or succeed at any of your efforts, learn from it. Learn from your mistakes and make sure you do not repeat them in future. You should follow the habits that makes ordinary people ‘extraordinary’.
13. Stay Positive- A positive attitude is indispensable to success. A positive attitude has been counted in top ten behaviors of unstoppable entrepreneurs. Stay positive and have lots of optimism within you.
14. Meet Positive People- This is the extension of earlier point as meeting positive people help you stay positive. On the contrary, negative people always fill your life with despair. Learn how successful people handle toxic people. Stay away from people who are full of negativity. Plus start avoiding toxic peoples.
15. Do Not Add New Works at the Front of Your List- In your to-do list, always make sure to add new tasks at the end of the list instead of adding them in the front. This will give you the opportunity of completing those tasks first that you initiated earlier. Also you should know what to do before morning eight for better & healthy life.
16. Plan Everything in Advance & Move Accordingly- As a startup, you need to be very systematic and organized. This can be managed and achieved by planning your schedule in advance. Take help of an ordinary and convenient calendar and assign particular tasks to particular dates. Work according to your set schedule.
17. Be Prepared to Work Hard- Remember this is your startup and it depends completely on your efforts. Hence, never leave any stone unturned and work hard to achieve your goals. Forever bear in mind that there is no substitute for hard work! Many people believe that working smart is better then working hard, however you have to put 100% to start a business. So hard work is important to get success.
18. Prove Yourself & Then Demand- Yes! You first need to prove your value, your business idea and then you should ask for the investment. If your idea clicks the investor, he would be ready to invest in your plan. Instead of forcing him to invest, concentrate on how to convince for your business plan.
19. Allot a Specific Time to Specific Work- This will give you a hint about the amount of time that you will have to spend in every task. Thus, you would be able to manage your tasks in a better way.
20. Keep Reviewing Your Work-
Reviewing your work from time to time would help you know and understand that how things are going on and what to do for improvement. So review your work at least on a weekly basis.
21. Keep Reviewing Your Team’s Performance- Also, keep track of how your team is performing. You should not stand on your heads everyday but a timely review of your team’s performance would keep your team in discipline and would it stick to the deadlines. This is a chapter of how to be a good boss.
22. Inspire Yourself- Always keep yourself inspired. Read success stories of ordinary people turning their lives and achievements into extraordinary assets. Always remind yourself about your capabilities and scope.
23. Inspire Your Co-Workers- It is equally important to keep your team or co-workers inspired for hard work and success. Begin the day with a simple positive quotation stuck on a wall where all your team members can see it. Believe me; sometimes a positive thought can change the entire process of how we look at things!
24. Call Meetings Purposefully- Always decide the objective of a meeting before calling your team members for it. Be clear about the purpose and explain it to everyone.
25. Keep Your Meetings Short and Focused- Time is the most important asset for all businesses, especially for the startups. Therefore, keep your meetings short. Remember too much time consumption will affect your productivity.
26. Do Not Assign Multiple Tasks to Anyone- Assess the capability of your team members. Assign tasks according to the available time. Give enough time for every task. But never handover too much tasks to a single person as either the tasks will remain incomplete or they will not be done in the perfect manner.
27. Do Some Workout- Exercise keeps you healthy. Also, to work with full efficiency you need to stay healthy. Staying physically active will keep you fit and fine. And if you want to get success in your business, then start workout first.
28. Stay Relaxed & Think Logically- Staying relaxed will help you take right decisions. A relaxed mind will also support logical thinking. Again, following simple tips like doing workouts or listening to music will help you keep your mind relaxed.
29. Try to Get a Sound Sleep- A sound sleep is a must for a healthy body. Getting a good night sleep does not only help in weight management but also help you get up with a fresh brain and body.
29. Eat Healthy- Yes! Eating healthy food is also necessary if you want to stay healthy and work for longer hours. Falling sick or feeling weak would only affect your efforts. Plus you must eat food as your blood type to stay fit & active.
30. Decide Time for Checking Your Mail-
Checking your inbox is necessary, but that does not mean you check your mail ten times a day. Check your mail in the morning and once before the closing time.
31. Be Punctual- Always be punctual at your workplace. Always remember that your punctuality and discipline should set examples for others. If you are flexible in that others will follow the same.
32. Find Out the Recent Demands- Try to find out the recent demands in the market that relate to your startup. Think and plan how your startup can create products that fulfill those demands. If you get successful at that, you would do an important move for your startup.
33. Do Not Lose Hope- If you do not achieve what you expected, do not lose hope. Try again by recognizing your earlier mistakes. Make an effort with a totally new zeal.
34. Recruit Enthusiastic and Positive People– While interviewing and recruiting people, also try to find out how positive and enthusiastic they are. Positive people always create an optimistic ambiance. Moreover, surely every startup needs that.
35. Divide Your Strategies- Strategy planning is very important for every kind of business. Be it an established business or any startup, every business needs a strategy to follow. Therefore, make strategies and work accordingly. Also, do not forget to divide the strategies into two broad categories as given below:
- Pre Launch Strategies This includes all strategies that you have to plan before the launching of your startup or its products. The pre-promotion of products, the pre-marketing for brand establishment, collection strategy for raw material, designing etc all come into this category.
- Post Launch Strategies This includes the strategies that have to be followed after the launch of your startup. Planning strategies related to advertising for your launched product or services, organizing post promotional events etc fall into this category.
36. Stay Ready for Changes- If you think that certain plans or schemes are not working out, stay flexible to change them. Do not keep following any plan for a very long period. Decide deadlines and assess the results accordingly. If your plan is not giving you expected result in the decided period, it is time to change the plan.
37. Understand Your Customers- Always understand the expectations and requirements of your customers. Adding features that satisfy your customer needs can help promote your product successfully.
38. Entice Your Customers- Entice your customers with attractive offers. The offers should be reasonable and should never compromise on your products’ quality. Using discounts is a good idea, but it should not be used in a lavish manner.
39. Have Special Offers for Your Regular Customers-Once your startup gets a good swing, always remember to reward your regular customers with something extra, something special. This way you would be able to promote your healthy relationship with your customers to others also.
40. Promote Your Brand-
Promoting your brand is also a very decisive factor for any startup. Promote your brand through creative and impressive ideas. Even if it takes a little more time, do it! BE innovative and think out of the box.
41. Focus on Quality- The quality of your product decides the future and fate of your startup. That’s why always focus on the quality and strive for the best. The best quality products always win the trust of customers.
42. Be Reasonable in Price- Decide a reasonable cost for your product. You should have honest and ready answers regarding questions like why your product comes with such a price.
43. Appreciate the Good Efforts- Never forget to appreciate your team members’ efforts when they deserve it. Appreciation for the right efforts always encourages employees to work with further zeal.
44. Decide an Attractive Name for Your Startup- Name matters a lot when it comes to startups. Your startup’s name should be attractive and creative. It should have the ability to raise curiosity to the target customers.
45. Do Not Go For Complicated Startup Names- Your Startup’s name should not be very difficult or complicated to remember by the common people. It should be attractive, catchy and yet simple.
Related: How to Name A Start Up? An Ultimate Guide.
46. Identify a Problem in Your Society- If you can identify a problem in your society and can create a product that solves that problem, you have a great market waiting for you!
47. Recruit Intelligent People- Smart and witty minds are the most important assets for any business. Try to find out people who are intelligent and full of energy. And know about those people who can destroy your business.
48. Learn to Take Criticism Positively- Whenever you hear a criticism about your product or services, always take criticism in a positive way and analyze. This will help you to improve.
49. Stay Open for Suggestions- Always be enthusiastic for suggestions. Sometimes what we cannot think can come as a great idea from someone else!
50. Give Importance to Your Customers-
Always give importance to your customers. Apart from providing best available quality, always be ready to answer their queries in a polite manner. Communicate effectively and logically.
51. Remember There Are No Shortcuts for Success- Work with full zeal, integrity, dedication and work as hard as you can. Success comes to those who are patient and hardworking. Never follow the shortcuts to gain success!
Hope you find these quick business tips useful for your startups. Do share your startup experiences with us. We would love to hear from you!
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